Friday 23 January 2009

Day +9: Lack Of Inspiration.

And so the desert stretches on for miles and miles with little if any change. That's a bit how it feels here right now. As I began to think about what to write today I realised nothing had changed. Still got a low grade fever, still on anti sickness meds, WBC still creeping up. In fact I could probably just cut and paste yesterdays effort! There is one interesting little twist, however. As I write Nik is fast asleep on the sofa which is a bit of a role reversal from the last few days.

I suspect as I begin to feel better that the days which had passed mostly in a drug induced haze will begin to drag a little, so watch out for the magic moment when I'm no longer neutropenic and I can declare the good ship Morrison officially open to visitors! (Early next week with a bit of luck) Looking through my list of followers I seem to have attracted the attention of an over sized kitten which looks suspiciously like a refugee from a 1970's television programme. Every time I look though the Post Office Tower is still there. Joan...miracles it appears do happen! I saw your comment, not though through divine intervention but the intervention of St Anne of Malvern who pointed out where it was hiding. Chris and Sandra, Matt the registrar will not be sharing his observations following his examination of my nether regions on this blog because of medical confidentiality (taste and decency). He has however, AFIL and AMIL will be pleased to hear, given me a nice vase of daffodils for the window ledge.

I lied by the way about no new news. My hair has started falling out again and the hospital bed has the look of a well used dog couch. No fleas though, yet.


AMIL and AFIL said...

Hi Rory
A whole bunch of daffs-that's scary - are you sure they are for the windowsill! No, seriously, I love Happy Matt already (AMIL that is)- what a lovely gesture. AFIL errs on the side of caution and suggests you keep an eye on them. Hopefully as the day has progressed you have begun to feel more wakeful. It`s good to hear that Nik has been able to catch up on a bit of sleep too
Love AMIL and AFIL
Baxter too - he would love to meet the kitten xx

ChrisandSandra said...

Hi Rory,

The fact you are posting so early is a very good sign. Also, being an hour ahead of you has meant the wait has felt a bit longer, so purely for selfish motives it is good too.

As for lack of inspiration that is OK. Boring is much better than drama and as long as the WBC count is on the up then we are happy. Of course if there are any more incidents involving a torch please feel free to share them.

Love Chris and Sandra

ChrisandSandra said...

Rory I have to ask. MIL and FIL I understand, but what does the A stand for?

African the options are endless

RobJaqLaurenSarah said...

Hi Rory

Wishing you all the best from Tropical Scotland!!

We've been abit late getting to the blog but were in now

Everyone send their love
Rob Jacqui Lauren and Sarah and Max the Catxx

Anne said...

Hi Rory
Good to hear that WBC is still on the up all be it slowly.Glad you found the elusive blog and we will see if Kathys tutorial will bear fruit at the weekend! We are all turning into a family of bloggers even little Reuben is getting in on the act,has Honor not been tempted yet? what will we do when you have recovered and are back home? Has Happy Matt been reading your blog or what triggered the vase of daffs? Keep up the good work and try not to get too inpatient it won't be long before you are rolling up to the Talbot! Guy B "Dr" send his best wishes he and Ellie are thinking of you. Lots of love and if you see the kids tomorrow give them a big kiss and hug from us love to Nikki. Dad and Mum.

Anne said...

Forgot to say the Johnsons are having "A Burns Night" tonight so the Haggis will be toasted and so they might wax lyrical later or maybe wax drunkenly or maybe just wane!!

AMIL and AFIL said...

Chris and Sandra
What do you think? AMAZING, of course!
Rory's AMIL and AFIL

Christine H said...

Hi Rory

It seems that things might have turned a corner, which is good news - long may it continue.

Keep an eye on that kitten and let's hope the geese don't turn up!

Thinking of you.

Love, Christine

Kitten-Kong said...

Your tower may be next lethargian.

Glad to see there is another feline follower Max

Bring it on Baxter!

Kitten power

Lynn and Dave said...

Fair fa' your honest sonsie face
Great Chieftain o' the puddin race!
A little Burns night insipiration for you. Looking forward to sharing a Taliska with you soon. Unfortunately Dave has taken to wearing a skirt, not a pretty sight! Boring is the new black, we are happy with boring,
lots and lots and lots of love Lynn and Dave (we love you guys, we really do) Have we waxed and waned enough!

Lynn and Dave said...

p.s you are at the momment being very inspiring.
love us all. The Johnsons

Iain said...

Hi Rory

Yes boring is most certainly good.

Some very late night Blogging from the Johnsons who were obviously celebrating the Bard long into the small hours. The Talisker would have aided the digestion of the haggis and the comprehension of the Bard's writings.

I am pleased that the good ship might be taking visitors very soon. I am in town week after next and hope all is ship shape for an inspection (no torches though).

Lots of love Iain and Lisa

p.s Fighting talk from the Kitten!

Sheila said...

Hi Rory,I have been reading your blog and keeping up to date with your treatment,but I have had to wait for Kathy to get me into leaving comments,We are thinking of you and praying for your speedy recovery.
Love from Denis & Sheila

Rory said...

I'm meant to be in here for rest and recuperation not to be monstered by aggressive over-sized kittens! As for the goings on on Bolston Rd all I can say is that if the Talisker made the haggis eatable and Mr Burns comprehensible it must have been cask strength and certainly taken straight!

Anne said...

I think the Burns Night revellers did as I predicted and got a wee bit inebriated but they waxed well, I think Lynn should have posted a picture of David in his skirt that should be shared don't you think! I'm glad to hear that Kitten has a ally in Max what with Baxter wishing to meet her/him and I'm sure Bridie and Cooper the butter thief would like to get in on the act, [I don't think their intentions would be good] poor Kitten will need lots of friends. It was great talking to you last night Rory and we are looking forward to seeing you soon. Lots of love D&M

Annie said...

Hi there Rory

Glad you are now making slow but sure progress, as Mum would say, `Tomorrow yhou will feel just as different!' what does that mean? I think it must be a Yorkshire thing!
Glad Nikki is catching up on her sleep on the couch. Can't wiat to hear more news of good progress

Love Helen B xx

Rory said...

hi dad how are you? great to that your getting on well missing you lodes!!aparantly granny anne wanted to now why i was'ent sending messiges to you well now i am. love you lots

honor xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Rory said...

hi dad hoop that yor ding god love reuben ps my eur is stol bad.

Aiveen said...

Hi Rory,

Sorry for taking so long to post a comment but like Mum I had to wait on Kathy to get me going. Its great to read your blog and be able to follow your recovery.

Love Aiveen