Wednesday 7 January 2009

Day -6: Musical Rooms

We'll get onto the treatment related business in a moment. First the important stuff; my hotel room. This glum faced fellow is me in the room I slept in last night. There was nothing wrong with it really except that it was quite small, looked over the grubby area in the middle of the hotel and was decorated a horrid shade of brown. Oh and the beds were pretty small for a big chap like me. Cue amazing friend no.1 (for there are no less than 2 in this post) Andy B who just happens to work in the hotel business and just happens to know the manager here. He put in a call and hey presto I found myself upgraded to a lovely dual aspect suite with a huge bed and a very comfy sofa. Nik and I had a great time checking out the facilities and taking some silly photos which you can see here!

This is me reading Richard Dawkins in the living room!

And this is a rather arty shot of me pretending to blog with thanks to amazing friend no.2 JC who has sorted out all my technology and made it possible to be doing all this; hopefully even when I'm on the ward which is a wireless free zone.

The big bed...and complimentary fruit bowl! All in all I think you'll agree that this is a bit of alright. So I might have been well advised to spend more time in it enjoying the facilities. Part of the deal the hotel and the hospital have is that the patients staying here have to have a panic alarm (you know for when you can't work the air con unit or if the mattress is uncomfortable) and for this the room need two phone lines. AAAAAH! It only has one. "I'm so sorry" said the nice nurse who had come to install the thing, "but I can't let you stay here." :(

Cue frantic phone calls to the concierge to find a suitable alternative. Well I'm now exactly two floors down from where I was in a similar sized is not so nicely decorated and furnished room as the last but it's still pretty darn good I reckon. Pictures of the new abode to come but Andy and JC you are both top top blokes, thank you. I'm going to get some nosh now and will do a treatment post if not too knackered later!

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