Tuesday 20 January 2009

Day +6: Late Edition

Nikki writes:

So while the rest of the world proletised about the new President turning the tide of history, Rory remained becalmed in the strange world at the top of The Tower. It's starting to feel almost fable-like, (fabulous isn't the word). He really did feel adrift today I think. I couldn't visit because I was unwell this morning and couldn't take the risk, and he tells me that he hasn't turned the computer on all day. So this is his message in a bottle.....

The sickness has improved if not entirely dissipated, but the two drugs doing all the business are heavily sedative, to the point that today he'd slept for so long that they actually lifted his eye-lid and shone a torch in his eye! Not the most flattering gesture ever made. The drugs are also anti-psychotics so at they are at least determined to send him home sane. Then there was the visit by the palliative care team, no more endearing, but it was simply to see if they had any tricks up their sleeve when it comes to controlling the vomiting.... they hadn't.
And now, as "Happy Matt" the Kiwi registrar put it, "it's unfortunate" that not only has the top half of his gut suffered, but now "the bottom half's gone as well". We call him Happy Matt because he's the man who has to remind you of all that can go wrong before they do anything. He seems almost embarassed about this and so erms and mutters making it seem to go on and on. Still as you can see, at least he's mastered the art of English understatement.
The dietician has also been in today, again ostensibly to make suggestions but I sense Rory's not impressed. Nevertheless he's managed a couple of spoonfuls this evening.

And so when in future years our grandchildren ask, where were you when the first black President of the United States was inaugurated? Rory will be able to read this and tell them.


Cousin Deb said...

I can't keep it to myself - I'm totally inspired by you! I've been reading your blog and its actually been really helpful to me - as I've got a new job doing counselling, relaxation, meditation in Oncology (the other O.T's call us the touchy feely crew). Anyway, wanted to say thanks for what I've learned and for making me laugh. Love Deb in Oz xxx

Cousin Deb said...

p.s and thinking of you of course! Looking forward to your next installment

AMIL and AFIL said...

Hello Rory
Do hope you will soon be back blogging again. We are thinking of you. Thank you Nik for keeping us all in the picture.
Love AMIL and AFIL

xjc said...

Ok big man - so now i not only have to face my mate in a completely normal and sane like manner (anti-psychotic drugs), you will undoubtably repel me with your jolly green giant impression, and reject all psycho's... its clear to me that i am destined to get no further than the town centre to come and see you, before i will be filtered out. Onwards Horatio - Jc's thinking of you lots and lots matey, Emms out with Nikki tonight, Boo too apparently ... Hope 3g is keeping you connected - sleep well. JC x

Anne said...

Thanks again to the "Proxy Blogger" for keeping us updated on events in the Tower. Much as we love to hear from you Nik.it means that Rory is not feeling so good and that's not nice. So Young Man wake up and get blogging again real soon we miss you. Lots and lots of love from D&M and friends who are following your blog and are wishing you a speedy recovery.

ChrisandSandra said...

Hi Nik Thanks for the update. Must be very frustrating for you at the moment. Good thing is every day is a bit closer to getting him back.

Looking forward to the latest, especially if not by proxy as it means it's good news.

Love, Chris & Sandra