Monday 19 January 2009

Day + 5: The Doldrums

In one of my favourite books when I was a child, The Phantom Tollbooth, the small boy at the centre of the story, Milo takes a wrong turn and ends up in The Doldrums where he meets an odd group of people called the lethargians, who live by very strange rules...

ell, if you can't laugh or think, what can you do?" asked Milo.

"Anything as long as it's nothing, and everything as long as it isn't anything," explained another. "There's lots to do; we have a very busy schedule-

"At 8 o'clock we get up, and then we spend

"From 8 to 9 daydreaming.

"From 9 to 9:30 we take our early midmorning nap.

"From 9:30 to 10:30 we dawdle and delay.

"From 10:30 to 11:30 we take our late early morning nap.

"From ll:00 to 12:00 we bide our time and then eat lunch.

"From l:00 to 2:00 we linger and loiter.

"From 2:00 to 2:30 we take our early afternoon nap.

"From 2:30 to 3:30 we put off for tomorrow what we could have done today.

"From 3:30 to 4:00 we take our early late afternoon nap.

"From 4:00 to 5:00 we loaf and lounge until dinner.

"From 6:00 to 7:00 we dillydally.

"From 7:00 to 8:00 we take our early evening nap, and then for an hour before we go to bed at 9:00 we waste time.

"As you can see, that leaves almost no time for brooding, lagging, plodding, or procrastinating, and if we stopped to think or laugh, we'd never get nothing done."

"You mean you'd never get anything done," corrected Milo.

"We don't want to get anything done," snapped another angrily; "we want to get nothing done, and we can do that without your help."

"You see," continued another in a more conciliatory tone, "it's really quite strenuous doing nothing all day, so once a week we take a holiday and go nowhere, which was just where we were going when you came along. Would you care to join us?"

"I might as well," thought Milo; "that's where I seem to be going anyway."

I have become a lethargian I think but mainly through the meds they're giving me. I've slept most of today away and am not great company for poor old Nik after she's driven into London. Other excitements: the nausea may at last be under control, I've not been sick all day. I had a platelet tranfusion yesterday as mine had got critically low. And just before midnight I was wheeled down to x-ray so they could see if the infection is sited there. That was an odd experience suddenly sitting in a waiting room full of people who'd broken bits of themselves on their way home from the pub! Now if you'll excuse me I'll have my mid evening nap.


Anne said...

Hello there, how are things in No Where Land tonight? Glad to hear that the sickness seems to be under control lets hope that's the end of it,I'm not surprised you were asleep most of the day after the excitement of a platelet transfusion and then a midnight x/ray, lets hope tonight is less eventful and you manage to while away the time quietly between naps! You should actually be quite good at it as you did practise a lot when you were a little boy. Just joking!! Anyway my love I hope things keep improving, Lots of love from Dad and Mum XXX

ChrisandSandra said...

Tell me you recited all of that from memory:-)

Anyway, it may be boring for you, but its nice for us to know it's nice and quiet. Besides, you you make it entertaining. All those years living in Malvern have come in handy after all.

I was thinking of you today when I had to go to hospital for an MRI. By the way just for my ankle! I had to smile at the state of the art approach to such a minor thing. The best part was nobody spoke English & I did very well to get to the right place & not have anything chopped off.I was really pleased with my German, until they tried to explain what they have found. I didn't understand a word. All that money & still no answer:-)

Love, Chris and Sandra

Lynn and Dave said...

The Phantom T o l b o o t h, I remember it well!! The lethargians could well be a new Dr who creation that have infiltrated the minds and bodies of ninty percent of the population! ( certainly most bodies period six geog this afternoon! ) I do recall a time when you were unable to have a late mid day nap, because you were still in bed!!! Hopfully the wind will pick up soon and you will be out of the Doldrums. Till then all our love Lynn and Dave and the small lethargians.

AMIL and AFIL said...

Hello Rory
Being in the doldrums is quite relaxing because there's not a lot you can do about it but is being a lethargian catching? - because I think we have caught it. Just so relieved to hear you haven't been throwing up today. Keep it up - I mean down.
Love AMIL and AFIL

Iain said...

Greetings Lethargian

I am pleased to hear that the nausea is under control and you are feeling a bit better.

Hope you've got plenty of material on your Ipod to keep you entertained between naps.

love Iain

Aldomeister said...

Rory -
After today's entry it strikes me you are ideally placed for a career in management once you're back in harness. See me for further details.

Aldo x

Annie said...

Dear Rory

Glad the sickness has subsided, the Doldrums can be a good place to be.
All hectic here, dog chewing everything ,i must send this quick before she gets through the cable.
She is repeatedly coming in from the garden chewing a plant tag, her way of letting me know what she is going to dig up next!
Keep up the blogging , may your rankness score soon descend to suitable level!
All love and prayers to you Helen B

The Riley's Gentlemen's Club said...

I would have thought sleeping most of the time, with brief periods of conversation, was a busman's holiday for you!

Thanks for the nurse pictures by the way. Its good to see you responding to public demand.

Keep fighting Rory, and I will rack them up.

Iain said...

Hi Rory

I have received an e-mail from Eric and Rosemary and they have asked if I could forward a few comments to you as they have some technical difficulties with the blog.

"Please pass on our best wishes and love to him, and tell him that we cannot but admire his ability to write such funny stuff from a hospital bed......."

We all look forward to hearing from and as always are thoughts are with you.


Iain and Lisa

Anne said...

Are you still in The Doldrums? Are the Lethargians holding you captive, hopefully we will see you in print again tomorrow. Sleep well love from Dad and Mum XXX