Saturday 10 January 2009

Day -3: The Monkeys win a reprieve!

There have been celebrations long into the night at Regent Park Zoo's primate house upon hearing the news that I would not be visiting today. It has in truth been a day of ups and downs, the biggest downer being the almost constant vomiting I'm having to endure. It started the moment I woke up and continued through the day even while attched to the drip in the hospital. Cue lots of concerned faces and mutterings that perhaps it would be for the best if I was admitted. To give them their due they do trust your judgement as an individual and when I said I didn't think we'd got to that point yet they were happy to let me come back to the hotel. It has eased off somewhat this afternoon and evening much to my relief. Anyway the general state of my health and the freezing conditions meant that we decided it was not the day for the zoo and just had a wander in the park instead.

Here we are standing in front of the boating lake which was frozen solid. I think the kids enjoyed having a run around and playing on the slide. It was certainly nice to see the family, a reminder of the normal mlife that is there to be reclaimed once I've got through all this. After our walk we all piled back to the hotel where I snoozed while Nik and the kids played cards and watched the tv. The place seems very quiet now they've gone. The afternoon wasn't without its wildlife as there were plenty of wildfowl in the park. Here I am with a Whooper Swan.

So over halfway through the chemo phase now. Keep 'em crossed.


Lynn and Dave said...

Good to see that your still able to do a bit of birding (not twitching) you all looked abit cold.

Heres hoping you keep out of hospital tomorrow as well, sleep well,
Love Lynn and Dave
PS A woman went into a fish and chip shop and asked for a double entendre and chips, so the owner gave her one. (a carry on level joke)

Iain said...

Hi Rory

We are, of course, keeping everything crossed for you.

And there I was thinking you had photographed Burger King's newest addition to the menu - the bacon double cheese Whopper swan burger - when I discover there is such a thing as the Whooper swan. At least it presented no threat to the Warriors beanie.

Hope you have a good night



Anne said...

Sleep tight my love talk to you in the morning, Mum

Christine H said...

Hi Rory

Finally I've mastered this bloggy thing and can let you know I'm definitely keeping my fingers crossed for you.

And you want to watch out for those Whoopers you know - they can be vicious. Although perhaps this one had heard what you threatened to do to the chimps!

Take care, hon.
