Monday 26 January 2009

Day +12: So nearly there.

Here's proof (were it needed) of my new mobility and freedom as I sip a latte in the UCLH cafe opposite Warren St tube station. You'll notice I'm a little thin. I'm down around 6kgs and am starting to look a little pinched in the face. Don't worry...when I get home I'll get the weight back on I'm sure. And speaking of home....

Well my latest neutrophil count has come in better than expected at 1.7 - well above target, and so I've had the last of the growth factor injections this evening. I expect another good increase tomorrow, then provided I don't have a dramatic crash or get a fever I could possibly go home on Wednesday! They stopped giving me i/v antibiotics today, so I won't have to be woken up at 0100 for them to be administered, which will make a nice change. It has become a bit of a question of marking time now.

Dave J popped in to help me pass some of it today. He was at a climate change event at UCL and dropped in on his way back to Paddington. It was great to see him and get some news of the outside world. It turns out I was mistaken in my belief as to the identity of Kitten Kong, although Alasdair may have given it away by mentioning there was no sign of him at Sixways on Saturday. Or maybe I'm just plain wrong again? Cheese anyone?


ChrisandSandra said...

Hi Rory,

Good to see you up and about. The e-mail I received from your doctor reassured me that you are now restored to robust and lusty health!

I have just got my internet radio going today so I have tuned into radio 4 to get a bit of news from Blighty. So all the more reason to get you back to work! Work off a bit of my hard earned license money.... Oh yes I don't pay that anymore do I. So I can't use that well worn line anymore.

Look forward to your free broadcasts naked or otherwise.

Love Chris & Sandra

Norma said...

Hi Rory,

So glad to hear you are on the mend. We have been following your blog every day. Hope you are able to go home on Wednesday I am sure Nicky and the children will be over the moon.

We played Bridge with your mum and Dad on Saturday, helping to keep their spirits up in more ways than one!

Look forward to hearing more good news.

All the Best.

Norma and Wayne

Rory said...

Norma, I'm sure you didn't have to work to hard in the spirit department! Thanks for following the blog, see you soon...

Anne said...

ES!!!You're on your way, as you say a wee bitty thin but I'm sure you'll find a few nice fattening goodies when you get home and your cheeks will fill out again. Great that Dave managed to pop in today so he can give us all first hand information on how you are, did you think the Johnsons were Kitten Kong so who are you thinking of now? I bet the kids are excited now at the prospect of having you back just don't clash your homecoming with The Simpsons! Look forward to hearing what the count is tomorrow lets hope it keeps rising.Well done lots of love, Dad and Mum XXXXX

Anne said...

The first word of that comment was YES I lost my Y. [Not my way]Yes Norma and Wayne did a good job on the spirit front after beating us at Bridge but we will get our revenge! Cheers Mum

Iain said...

Hi Rory

Excellent news - you look very pleased to be on the outside.

The world is a very diffrent place since your incarceration.

To name but a few of these changes;

1. The US has a black President
2. The Country's main Banks are on the brink of full nationalisation
3. Mum has mastered blogging
2. Armagh has mastered blogging (although not quite in the right place)
3. The Johnsons have unlocked the secret of understanding Mr Burns
4. A giant kitten is roaming London
5. and a naturist colony of Radio 4 listners has set up in Switzerland

Quite a bit to get your head around!

Looking forward to seeing you very soon

Lots of love

Iain and Lisa

Alice said...

Fantastic that you are out of isolation...disappointing to see you being dragged out of the BBC reception by the police though...I know you want to come back to work..but that was a bit extreme!

Tara said...

Good evening Mr Morrison,

brilliant to hear - more evidence that you're a wonderfully tough cookie.

keep doing what you're doing.

the Dolby 4

PS in your honour, we've been clothes free in Bedford for ages, but outside, Guy insists I wear flip flops.

Lynn and Dave said...

Hope all is still improving, will tune in a little latter and hope to catch up with your latest blog.
lots of love lynn and Dave