Sunday 25 January 2009

Day +11: Open for Visitors

A quick post tonight as I'm having connectivity problems up here in top of the tower land. Just to say then that with a healthy total WBC and neutrophils at 0.72 (sure to be over 1 by tomorrow) I am no longer in splendid isolation and indeed can actually leave the room. This I duly did this afternoon as Nik and I went down to the canteen for a coffee. I have to confess to feeling really weird being in clothes again, really restricted and uncomfortable. Maybe I've discovered my closet naturist? Anyway have no fear, modesty has prevailed and will do should you decide to come and visit. I'll be here certainly until Wednesday and would love some company. Here's my address; bed 27, ward T16, main building UCH, Euston Rd. Don't forget the alcohol gel on the way in (for your hands PD!) and please don't come if you feel even slightly unwell. It would be lovely to see you. Medically I continue to improve; daily GCSF injections continue + i/v antibiotics although my guess is they'll stop the latter tomorrow. No nausea and no stomach cramps.

I met a chap who underwent his stem cell harvest at the same time of my (unsuccessful) first attempt whilst in the canteen. He's just starting his transplant. I was mightily relieved to be sitting on this side of the procedure as we chatted. I'm being to feel a great sense of relief now; that I appear to have come through this reasonably unscathed (so far) and that it should, with any luck, be a long time before I have to contemplate chemotherapy again. A massive weight is being lifted from my shoulders.


Aldomeister said...

Great to hear such positive news Rory and we will toast your improving health at the AGM.

Any chance of borrowing the comedy coat stand as your temporary replacement?

Lang mey yer lum reek
Aldo x

ChrisandSandra said...

As I am sitting naked typing this note I am so happy to think that you have got in touch with your naturist self. I am sure the seeds were sown during your recent visit to Germany and I know you will be welcomed back with open arms should you return. Alas our Swiss fiends are a little shy in comparison to their German neighbours.

So now you have even more to look forward to during your recuperative visit to Switzerland. Which at the rate you are recovering will be very soon!

Love Chris & Sandra

Kathy said...

Hi Rory, fantastic news! Not long till you escape from the tower!
love Kathy

p.s. I did my best with the Armagh bloggers!

Lynn and Dave said...

Good. nay fantastic news, laddie (still in Burns night mode!} So pleased there isn't a video link on the blog Chris !
sleep well lots of love Lynn and Dave

Iain said...


Fantastic news!!

It is amazing to think you might be home this week.

I see the burns night hangover lingers on in the Johnson household.

Pleased to hear there was no sign of the Kitten at Sixways yesterday although the Italian side could have done with a 100 foot hairy monster to break the Worcester line

Look forward to seeing you very soon

Lots of love

Iain and Lisa

p.s You have much to look forward to in Switzerland!

Anonymous said...

Good news at last. I've been checking on your progress every day and thinking of you. Hang in there.

I saw the comment about Amadeus, was that the one I moved the tables in the Great Hall for? I think so.

I might take up your offer for visitors, its nearly 20 years since I've seen you. I keep remembering things from the past, funny how the mind works.

The wireless is not the same without you; and I can't even argue with Bush now.

You seen to be very good at this technology thing. Who would have thought it back in '83?


AMIL and AFIL said...

Hello ASIL
We are just so happy to hear how well you are progressing. Spoke to Nik, Honor and Reuben this evening and all seemed to be being well-looked after by Peter and Lara.
See you soon - I have a feeling you will be inundated with visitors so unless there is a considerable delay before you are discharged we will probably wait until you are home.
With love AMIL and AFIL

AMIL and AFIL said...

Bloody marvellous


Christine H said...

I wonder if our listeners would be able to tell if you did your Con shifts in the buff? Anyway ...

Excellent news that you're sufficiently recovered to see visitors, and I hope they let you home from the tower very soon.

Love, Christine

Anne said...

Well Rory we can't begin to tell you how relieved we are that things are improving so much who'd have thought it this time last week.Keep well and you could be back home in a few days, unbelievable!
We have just returned from the "Js" of Worcester where we celebrated The Bard again, Haggis was eaten and the Takisker appeared once more and Aldos toast was uttered at the table,[ Lang mey yer lum reek!] I dread to think what Chris has in store for you when you visit him and Sandra in Switzerland it could be fun, Chris I would be careful you might have more visitors than you bargained for! Let's hope you can get out and sample the delights of the hospital canteen again tomorrow, in the meantime have a good night sleep. Lots of love from Dad and Mum XXXXX

Anne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lucy Beresford said...

OMG! You mean you've been reading the news all these years in the nude? No wonder webcams have become so popular at R4. But then, I seem to recall you were the only person to run naked around North Bailey in the snow - rehersing for Prospero, you said. (only kidding...)
Your own personal news is, of course, fantastic, and we're really excited you're on the up. Won't be able to visit in person but always thinking of you,
Lucy & Guy B

Cloughie said...

Excellent news Rory. Janet and I catch up with you each morning in our 'ever so 'umble' in Banbury. We do it bed, you know! Laptop on the duvet, 'Today' on the bedside radio. Looking forward to pouring you and Nikki an extremely large drink in Mary-Jean's garden come the summer. You both deserve nothing less for your inspiring blog.

waterbaby said...

Hi Rory! From one cancer centre to another, typing this at the Beatson where it is absolutely freezing! Plane touched down and pilot announced it was -2C in Glasgow. Glad I brought a scarf and hat! :)
It was great to see Nik and the kids yesterday.. played cards, watched a movie.
Very very happy to hear such good news about your progress. PJ and I will probably not be able to make it to the UCL before you are discharged this week, I understand maybe as soon as Wednesday?? But will definitely see you as soon as possible when you return home. Will keep the butter-monster away until you are fully fully well.
Warmest hugs from frozen Glasgow, Lara (am sure Pete says hello too!!)

AMIL and AFIL said...

AMIL forgot to mention yesterday that Carol and Grant from Australia send their best wishes to you. They have been reading your blog with Debbie and are absolutely amazed at how you have handled it with so much humour!

Sarah said...

Thrilled to hear those neutrophils are doing their stuff. Pleased too that you are out and about (but latte?? Isn't that a bit like chardonnay?!?)
Also pleased to report that Doug was on the Talisker (amongst others) at the weekend as well - it's all TCP to me!
love Sarah xx
PS Not heard much about the view lately - how are the planes??