Wednesday 14 January 2009

Day 0 (ii): Feeling like P -double-oh.

Where as yesterday I was all excited about the return of my stem cells today has been rather different. I had a disturbed night's sleep for the first time in a few days, with nasty griping stomach pains, and was sick in the night and again this morning. And that's been the story of the day really. A constant battle against nausea. I was in the very glamorous position of vomiting into a sick bowl whilst connected to my stem cell drip, you'll be pleased to know the photographer wasn't present for this. Despite this turn for the worse the doctors still seem happy for me to stay at the hotel so I've got at least one more night here and will probably go to The Tower (where the ward is) sometime tomorrow unless things radically improve. Meanwhile I'm having to carry on the balancing act of injecting myself with blood thinners until it thins of its own accord. It's just a case of holding tight through this evening hoping things don't get markedly worse through the night.

I still reek of sweetcorn from the preservative in the stem cells. I felt well enough to go to the cinema last night, I think everyone else there must have thought I'd dined on nothing but niblets. Better than nothing at all like today. Was it only the day before that I tucked into this scrummy pudding?

......I leave the captions to you!


ChrisandSandra said...

I'm on board at last.It's good to hear you are still in the hotel even if you suspect you are hospital bound tomorrow.

Iain said...

Hi Rory

Hope you manage to stay the night in the Hotel.

I trust you had a Double "D" helping of that pudding when you were feeling OK

Love from M and D who are still blogless in Somerset



Salopian said...

Hi Rory we all send our love...
Your blog is the most interesting I've ever seen, including the pictures.. amazing photography, and certainly has educated me.Wish I could write as well as you do.
I hope everything is going well and as planned.
Love Andrea

Lynn and Dave said...

Thanks for keeping us abreast of the latesr information! sorry to hear the sickness has caught up with you, hope you have a better night.
Lots of love will be thinking of you tomorrow.
lynn and Dave

Lynn and Dave said...

Ou de sweetcorn, it'll never catch on. Hope the sickness is reducing....your still being willed on from Worcester
Love Lynn and Dave

PS thinking about you and hoping things are going well,
Chris (i.e. Daves Mum.....not really a silver surfer, more of a techno paddler)

Booze, Ben & Baby said...

Hello you

Sorry you've been knocked about a bit and that the nausea is driving you mad.

You have a very posh blog by the way. And embarrassingly, this is the first time I've blogged, how sad. Also, more sad is that it's taken me three days to work out how to blog.

We're still sorry we didn't get to see you but can't wait to wish you happy new year in person. Ben wants to play with your dinosaur. Dinosaurs and Celebrity on Ice, who'd have thought all those years ago...

Thinking of you loads. Will blog soon, that is of course if I've blogged correctly this time.

Loads and loads of love


Unknown said...

We're tracking your progress Rory and are glad you're in such expert hands for this state of art therapy.

You have our sympathy for all the trauma of nausea etc. you are having to put up with. Hope to see you in Malvern before long.

Love from Brian & Jan, and Helen & Sian and their families.